Monday, 14 February 2011

Free army games

 Computer games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero mimic real life by allowing participants to exercise talent in a kind of “paint by numbers” format. Not having any talent used to limit one’s ability to play music.  Talent is not necessary to play many of the computer games.  Playing the above games the computer indicates the correct note for the tune being played by identifying a color.  The participant touches the color on his/her instrument and scores a point.  If the participant does not push the correct color no points are scored. No talent is required as each participant will score a higher or lower score than others. The popularity of free army games is foretelling the future of the civilization. The more we rely on computers the more we can do, however we become dependent. When talent becomes obsolete and decisions are made exclusively by computers will our societies have no talent? The quick logical decision capability of computers has enabled mankind to advance very complicated endeavors. Examples include the moon landing and space telescopes.
 Other games are being marketed in unusual ways expanding the exposure to many segments of the civilization.  A game called Championship Manager, among others, was recently offered for the price of “pay whatever you want”.  Many people paid nothing or 1c.  This type of marketing will expand to ensure almost everyone has several games on their home computers and other devices.  The “addiction” is the object of the game companies not the initial profit.  Once addicted, they can control.  Just like the heroin dealer, the first one is free!
  Complexities are a fundamental reason civilizations terminate and the complexity of this example is pertinent to our premise.  The pre WWII civilization has often been referred to as a gentler, simpler time. The thought of wars being fought with computers is not too far fetched for a civilization speeding toward termination.  If we are not prepared to fight in cyberspace, we are doomed to fall under the control of a technologically superior civilization.  Civilizations need not be old or large to be technologically advanced. A few geeks in Bumfuck could take over the world via cyber warfare.  They could be able to gain control without destroying physical facilities which they would then control and utilize to continue the campaign to the next country.  The process repeats until only the most technically advanced civilization has control of everything.  Then implodes and termination occurs.


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